10 Ways Competitive Sports Prep Kids for Future Success Pt. 1
One of the things I love most about sports is how the lessons you learn transcends the actual sport itself. What I mean by that is in order to become a great competitive athlete you [...]
Competing with Character
When we hear the word character as it relates to sports it’s usually summed up as having good sportsmanship. Typically this looks like shaking hands with your opponents after a win or lose, or maybe [...]
3 Deceleration Drills To Improve Agility
The ability to decelerate, or break during competition is critical for sports that require agility and the ability to change direction. We constantly find ways to build this skill with our athletes not only to [...]
Youth Training: Keeping it fun & Fresh
Having a gym that exclusively works with youth athletes finding ways to keep training fun, exciting, and fresh is always important. It is challenging though given that more athletes today have taken the specialized sport [...]
Building Explosive Power
I love seeing young competitors getting after it in the gym to build themselves into better athletes. While knowing how to train is important for any athlete to reach their specific goals, I'm still a [...]
Confidence Builds Better Athletes
Athletic performance isn't always black and white. The bigger, stronger, and faster athletes aren't always the ones who are able to take their game to the next level and create longevity. It’s actually a lot [...]