3 Keys to The 40yd Dash Start!
When it comes to helping athletes get faster in their 40 yard dash, one of the things I focus on asap is their start. This makes the fastest impact on an athlete 40 times. Now [...]
3 Simple Strength Exercises for Young Athletes
If you're a parent of a youth athlete you've probably spent a good amount of time wondering what you need to do to help them in their sport. Unless you were an athlete yourself, have [...]
5 Things Parents Should Do for Their Child’s Athletic Development Pt 2
As a coach of youth athletes at At my gym, the Boost Performance Center in Corona CA, I often think about the many advantages this generation of kids have in terms of access, and opportunities [...]
4 Steps to Mastering the Power Clean
At my gym, the Boost Performance Center in Corona, CA, our philosophy is K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple silly). Working primarily with youth athletes my goal is always to begin by mastering the basics. Teach athletes [...]
5 Things Parents Should Do for Their Child’s Athletic Development Pt 1.
I have over 10 years of experience working with athletes in Corona, CA, more specifically youth athletes. Youth athletes are elementary, middle and high school kids. I take youth development seriously, and out of respect [...]
Check your Attitude at the Door
As a performance coach it's often easy to focus time on developing an athlete's physical qualities such as strength, speed, power, and endurance. These are aspects of training that kids tend to enjoy working at [...]